The Benefits of Having a Blood Test
Having an annual blood screening is a key component for preventing various types of degenerative illnesses.
By providing a snapshot of your current health, a blood screening can catch potential health problems before they fully rise to the surface so they can be managed most effectively.
Regular blood testing is one of the most effective ways to keep track of your overall physical well-being. Being tested at routine intervals will help you to understand how your body changes over time and allow you to make informed decisions based around your health.
What are your blood tested for?
Gage your general state of health
Assess if you have an infection
See how well certain organs, such as your liver and kidneys are working
screen you for certain genetic conditions
Find out if you are at risk of heart disease
Assess how well your blood is clotting
Find out whether you are at risk of heart disease
Diagnose diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, anemia and coronary heart disease etc.
Prior to a blood test
The majority of blood tests don’t require any specific preparation and take only a couple of minutes. Other types of blood testing require fasting, generally not eating anything for 8 to 12 hours prior to the test.
Benefits of blood testing
Blood tests are a reliable form of data – the largest benefit for regular blood testing is that it offers a reliable measure for tracking your health and wellness
Diagnosing disease – early detection is key to treating many diseases, including cancer. Blood testing is not a perfect way to find all diseases, but many diseases can be discovered via blood tests.
Checking your metabolism to find out if you are diabetic – diabetes is one of the most common health issues facing individuals in society. your blood tests are an insight into your metabolism and the chemical processes within your body.
Checking the function of your liver – one of the main functions of your liver is breaking down various toxins within the body. Your liver works as a kind of detoxification system. Issues you may have within your liver can be found in your blood tests.
Monitoring organ health: Kidney – Your kidneys are part of the urinary system and help regulate your blood. For example, your kidneys regulate blood pressure, pH level, mineral concentration and water composition of the blood.
Checking hormone levels for men and women – There are many important hormones in our body that regular blood tests can help us identify. Moreover, some notable hormones such as testosterone, progesterone, DHEA-S, and Estradiol among various others.
Blood testing as a touchstone for your health – by frequently getting blood tests, you can be proactive about any health issues. You can use your blood tests as a touchstone to understand ongoing alterations in your blood. Your blood tests provide access to a several biomarkers that you can use to look at your changes across time.